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Good Guys Blog Tom Lippard


It has been 2 years since I wrote my last “Good Guys Blog”.  This is the 11th in that Blog Series. The “Good Guys” are not all “guys” and they are all deceased, they were all wonderful clients and friends, and I miss them.

As I reflect on my 48 years in the Industrial/Commercial real estate business, there are too many instances negative, and I firmly believe that the positive instances should be noted.

Tom Lippard

I actually met Tom Lippard as an an Attorney that sued me and my real estate partnership in the very early 1980’s. We defended the suit, as my Partner in that property was also an Attorney.  While the papers were flying back and forth, I met with the Plaintiff alone and we made a mutually beneficial agreement.  It was truly one of my finer pieces of work of all time.

Tom Lippard was so impressed with what I did that he started using me for real estate matters, and referring me to everyone.

Tom Lippard was one of the most unique people I have ever met.  You knew he was your friend.  His sense of humor was the most developed of anyone I have ever known.  He could tell anyone to go to hell, and they would enjoy the trip!!!  His Law Firm represented me in many matters.

I will never forget a lunch we had at a fine restaurant in  in Downtown Pittsburgh, in 1992-1993.  

His Office made the reservation and I was there early. The restaurant was empty and they would not seat me cause he had no arrived. So I said I wanted a table for 1, Logically, I would be taking the same table as a table for 2.  I sat down but they WOULD NOT service me until Tom Lippard would arrive.  Tom got there on time and I told him the events. He said “My money will spend anywhere” and he never even sat down and we left!!!  

Tom Lippard had an incredible read and insight on people.  He was the best friend, when I was going through Divorce and did not have the Firm bill me, and represented me through those very difficult days.  Tom Lippard had a great sensitivity to anyone’s distress!  

He could grill you for doing something and then you would find out he did the same thing, and just wanted to grill you !!!  He hated when things were unfair or when people lied.  He personally helped an enormous amount of people, cause that is who he was.

Tom Lippard introduced me to a great many people that I would not know today, it were not for him.  

Truly a “Good Guy” and missed.

Sanford Pollock

(412) 310-1172